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The rqti package facilitates seamless content uploads to the OPAL learning management system through its upload2opal function, leveraging the OPAL API. In addition, there are useful functions to get a list of resources and exchanging existing resources in courses.


To leverage the functionality of the OPAL API, it is essential for OPAL users to possess the requisite permissions. Access to the system necessitates logging in with a username and password. Please note that utilizing the API through Shibboleth authorization is not supported.

If you currently lack a password-based login, kindly submit a request for one through your IT department. For users affiliated with TU Chemnitz, you can expedite this process by sending an email to . In your email, explicitly state your need for a password-based login to facilitate API usage, and include your username for reference. You should also state the purpose of API usage. Please be aware that students typically do not possess author rights by default and are required to request such privileges before utilizing the API. To facilitate this process, it is advisable to reach out to your IT and/or OPAL provider for assistance.

To store the username and password, rqti uses the keyring system credential storage. The first time authentication is attempted, it asks for a username and a password and saves them in a key with service name “rqtiopal”. Once the key is created, it is automatically used in further sessions. It is not recommended to create additional keys unless you have a more complex setup (e.g. using multiple learning management systems).

Some universities only allow to use the OPAL API in the network of the university. Before calling upload2opal() set up a VPN client accordingly. For TU Chemnitz see the instructions here:

Uploading tasks and tests to OPAL

You can either set the knit: rqti::render_opal parameter in the yaml-section of your Rmd file or just call upload2opal() with the file as the first parameter:

file <- "" # or "task.Rmd" or "task.xml"
result <- upload2opal(file)

Note that rqti-Rmd files as well as QTI compliant zip archives and xml files are supported.

If you set up OPAL correctly you can expect the following outcome after running the above command:

  1. A web browser will open automatically, displaying the OPAL page with your uploaded test or task.
  2. In your R console, you will receive a status code 200. This status code indicates that the request to upload the content to OPAL was successful.
  3. The result variable will contain a list with the following data:
    • $key: An identifier for this resource on OPAL, which you can use for reference.
    • $display_name: The title of the resource as it appears in the browser on OPAL.
    • $url: A permanent link to access this resource on OPAL.

upload2opal() always checks the uniqueness of the display_name in your personal repository of resources on OPAL. If a resource with the same name is found, rqti will overwrite it by default. This is useful for incrementally improving and previewing/testing the task. It avoids cluttering your OPAL repo with dozens of versions of the same task. If there are several resources with the same name, upload2opal will ask you what to do.

By default upload2opal() uses the file name as the display_name. But you can define your own as the second parameter:

result <- upload2opal(file, display_name = "Exam123")

Currently, there is no option to delete tasks via the API. But you can display the URL of a task via:

get_resource_url(display_name = "Exam123")

Or return all resources as a dataframe via:


If you want to have more fine-grained control for uploading, check out the documentation ?upload2opal.

Access rights

Note that the access rights of the resource are set to public by default. This might appear unusual, but for creating tasks incrementally this is the best option. If you use any other access rights, you need to login to OPAL via your browser to see the web page, which will log you out via the API. Currently, there is not better solution for this procedure. Take this into account if you upload sensitive content! For instance, tasks that will be used in an upcoming exam. You can set the access rights via

uplod2opal(..., access = ?)
  • 1: only the persons responsible for this learning resource
  • 2: responsible and other authors
  • 3: all registered users
  • 4: public, default value


We are using the OPAL instance E-Learning-Informationsportal für Sächsische Hochschulen, so our package sets the endpoint for upload2opal to If you use a different OPAL instance, you can either pass this to the endpoint parameter of upload2opal or just set it in .Rprofile: Sys.setenv(RQTI_API_ENDPOINT = "yoururl"). When initiating an rqti project in RStudio through New Project, you have the option to configure the API endpoint at that stage. This configuration is also just written to the .Rprofile file.

Error Handling

Various issues can occur with the API. While some problems can be resolved quickly, you may often need to contact your IT department for proper API setup. The most common issues include:

403 - Authorization failed. Some universities allow the use of the API only within the university network. You may need to run a VPN client to use the API. For TU Chemnitz see here:

If you already run a VPN client, please check with your IT and/or OPAL provider, whether the API can be used and what configuration you need.

401 - Unauthorized. Your RQTI_API_USER or RQTI_API_PASSWORD are wrong or your credentials are not sufficient to work with the API. Please be aware that students typically do not possess author rights by default and are required to request such privileges before utilizing the API. To facilitate this process, it is advisable to reach out to your IT and/or OPAL provider for assistance.

OPAL specific yaml attributes

There are several opal-specific yaml attributes, which are explicitly explained in the articles on the task types. Two of them apply on the test level:


If a calculator is required for this task, you need to assign the ‘calculator’ attribute the type ‘simple’ or ‘scientific’.


If additional files are required to complete this task, you need to assign the ‘files’ attribute a single file path or a list of paths to these files.

Note that setting these two attributes in the Rmd file directly is mainly useful if you work on a single task. For collections of tasks (tests) it is better to set these attributes when creating the test intead of in the Rmd-file.