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rqti (development version)

rqti 1.0.0

CRAN release: 2025-03-05

New features

  • Major API Refactor: The API functionality has been refactored to require creating an Opal object for establishing a connection. Methods are now called on this object for interacting with the LMS API, replacing the previous function-based approach.

  • Added a verify_qti() function to validate XML documents against the QTI v2.1 schema. Two schema versions are supported: the original IMS Global schema and an extended version that permits additional HTML tags.

  • Added new constructor functions assessmentTest(), assessmentTestOpal(), assessmentSection().

  • The default values of the “academic_grading” parameter/slot have been updated in the functions assessmentTest(), assessmentTestOpal(), test(), and in the classes AssessmentTest and AssessmentTestOpal. This parameter/slot is a named numeric vector that defines the grade table shown to candidates as feedback at the end of the test. The updated default follows the German grading system: gt <- c(“1.0” = 0.95, “1.3” = 0.9, “1.7” = 0.85, “2.0” = 0.8, “2.3” = 0.75, “2.7” = 0.7, “3.0” = 0.65, “3.3” = 0.6, “3.7” = 0.55, “4.0” = 0.5, “5.0” = 0), where each grade corresponds to the minimum percentage score required to achieve it. To disable the grading table at the end of the test, set this parameter to NA_real_.

  • Generic functions are now exported to allow advanced users to extend the functionality of S4 classes (createItemBody(), createResponseDeclaration(), createOutcomeDeclaration(), createResponseProcessing(), createText()).

  • Added support for the preview_feedback option within ‘params’ in the YAML section of R Markdown files.

  • Renamed the service name in the keyring system credential storage to “rqtiopal”.

  • Renamed the “contributor” slot in QtiContributor to ‘name’.


  • QTIJS rendering (DirectedPair type, round Score and Maxscore values).

  • Added a ‘<div>’ tag as a root child within the ‘itemBody’ element for Entry type tasks to ensure compatibility with the LMS OpenOlat.

  • The functions qti_metadata() and qti_contributor() have been deprecated. Use qtiMetadata() and qtiContributor() instead.

  • The ‘question_type’ column has been removed from the data frame returned by extract_result(level = "item").

rqti 0.3.0

CRAN release: 2024-07-19

Bug fixes

  • Fix parsing R Markdown files with tables according the latest pandoc version.

  • Fix extract_results(level="items") for Ordering type, when candidate response is not given.

  • Fix error at createQtitask(obj, zip=TRUE).

New features

  • New API OPAL function get_course_elements() returns dataframe with elements of the course by course id.

  • New API OPAL function get_course_results() returns an xml with data about results by course id and node id.

  • New API OPAL function publish_courses() for publishing a course by Resource ID.


  • QTIJS rendering.

rqti 0.2.1

CRAN release: 2024-05-26

Bug fixes

  • In metadata default value for the slot “contribution_date” is assigned to Date(0).

New features

  • method createQtiTask() can create XML or zip files, to control this use parameter zip=TRUE.

  • QTIJS rendering shows feedback and score for tasks.

rqti 0.2.0

CRAN release: 2024-05-08

Bug fixes

  • Handle problem with xsd scheme for xml validation.

  • Handle some problems with html and mathml entities.

New features

rqti 0.1.1

CRAN release: 2024-03-21

Bug fixes

  • Added the missing qti.js for rendering Rmd-files with tasks.

  • Added processing of the pandoc –embed-resources parameter for pandoc versions < 2.19.

New features

  • Identifiers of AssessmentItem, AssessmentSection and AssessmentTest objects are checked for compliance with QTI requirements.

rqti 0.1.0

CRAN release: 2024-03-19

  • Initial CRAN submission.