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In this type of task, the candidate has to select an element form a dropdown-list. Note that our package implements dropdowns as entry-objects because this is essentially what dropwdowns are. Several dropdowns can be combined in a single task, but a combination with numeric and text entries (gaps) is not possible; mainly due to limitations on the site of learning managment systems.

Minimum version

A minimum template is automatically created when you initiate an rqti project through RStudio. Alternatively, it can be added by clicking on New file -> R Markdown -> From Template. The rqti templates end with rqti. Here we look at the templates dropdown (simple) and dropdown (complex).

The minimum you need to provide is the type: dropdown (or the equivalent type: dd) in the yaml-section and some text, where at least one gap is formed as a dropdown-element, in a section called #question. Furthermore, when employing helper functions from the rqti package, it is essential to ensure its prior loading.

type: dropdown
knit: rqti::render_qtijs

```{r echo=F}

# question

The philosophy of the rqti package is <<do one thing and do it well|one for

Under the hood, the rqti package uses `r dropdown(c("S4 OOP", "S3 OOP", "no
OOP", "R6 OOP"))`.

# feedback

The package `rqti` is specialized for producing xml rqti files so "do one thing
and do it well" is more appropriate. Under the hood we use S4 OOP.

Knitting via the Knit-Button to qtijs, this task renders as:

Simple dropdown task rendered in qtijs
Simple dropdown task rendered in qtijs

Alternatively, change the knit parameter to knit: rqti::render_opal (see article Working with the OPAL API) to upload to OPAL directly, producing:

Simple dropdown task rendered in OPAL
Simple dropdown task rendered in OPAL

There are two ways to specify a dropdown-element in Rmd content:

  • Put the correct answer inside <<>> (or the equivalent <gap></gap>). Example: <<element1|element2|element3>>
  • use the helper function ?dropdown (also see section Helper function dropdown)

By default, 1 point can be reached for each dropdown (specify points to your needs). The total number of points for completing a task is defined as the sum of points of all dropdowns.

Note that in this example, a feedback section was also provided. The feedback is optional, but usually it is a good idea to give some explanation for students. In dropdown tasks the feedback refers to the whole task, not to a specific dropdown. Group your feedback into appropriate sections, which can be opened/closed for better user experience. A great way to do this is to use <details> and <summary> html tags:

  Provide Feedback for Question 1
<details><summary>Question 2</summary>
  Provide Feedback for Question 2

will render as:

Question 1 Provide Feedback for Question 1
Question 2 Provide Feedback for Question 2

More control

If you want to have more fine-grained control, consider the RMD template dropdown (complex), which uses more yaml attributes and a more complex use of the helper function dropdown.

type: dd # type of exercise
knit: rqti::render_qtijs # if you do not want our preview renderer, remove this
identifier: dd001 # think twice about this id for later data analysis!
title: A meaningful title that can be displayed in the LMS

```{r echo=F}

# question

The philosophy of the rqti package is <<do one thing and do it well|one for

Under the hood, the rqti package uses `r dropdown(c("no OOP" = "no OOP", "S4" =
"S4 OOP", "S3" = "S3 OOP", "R6" = "R6 OOP"), solution_index = 2, points = 2,
response_identifier = "OOP_task")`.

# feedback

The package `rqti` is specialized for producing xml rqti files so "do one thing
and do it well" is more appropriate. Under the hood we use S4 OOP.

Which renders in OPAL as :

More complex dropdown task rendered in OPAL
More complex dropdown task rendered in OPAL

yaml attributes


Has to be dropdown or dd.


This is the ID of the task, useful for later data analysis of results. The default is the file name. If you are doing extensive data analysis later on it makes sense to specify a meaningful identifier. In all other cases, the file name should be fine.


Title of the task. Can be displayed to students depending on the learning management system settings. Default is the file name.


Feedback can be provided with the section

  • # feedback (general feedback, displayed every time, without conditions)
  • # feedback+ (only provided if student reaches all points)
  • # feedback- (only provided if student does not reach all points)

Helper function dropdown

This helper function is used to generate a formatted string describing a dropdown in Rmd content:

choices <- c("s4" = "S4 OOP", "s3" = "S3 OOP", "none" = "no OOP", "r6" = "R6 OOP")
oop_task <- dropdown(choices = choices, solution = "S4 OOP",
                     response_identifier = "OOP_task")
#> [1] "<gap>{choices: [S4 OOP,S3 OOP,no OOP,R6 OOP], solution_index: S4 OOP, points: 1.0, shuffle: yes, response_identifier: OOP_task, choices_identifiers: [s4,s3,none,r6], type: InlineChoice}</gap>"

The arguments of the dropdown function are:


Elements of dropdown. If you use a named vector, the names will be used as identifiers. This is useful for later data analysis and is generally adviced.


The index of the correct choice as a numeric. Default is 1, meaning that you can simply put the correct element as the first one in the vector choices.


The number of points for the task. Default is 1.


If TRUE, randomizes the order of the choices. Defaults to TRUE. Only in rare occasions it makes sense to have a strict order of choices (setting shuffle to FALSE).


This is the ID of the dropdown-element, useful for later data analysis of results. The default has the format “response_1”, “response_2”, …“response_n” for several dropdowns. If you are doing extensive data analysis later on, it makes sense to specify a more meaningful identifier.

Some advice on dropdown tasks

Dropdown tasks are forced choice items, so are equivalent to single choice tasks. The advantage is that they can be placed in between other text and several of them can be used in a single task. Still, they suffer from the same problems as single choice tasks.