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Imported and suggested packages

package usage priority
htmltools Facilitates working with HTML content. high
xml2 Handles reading, writing, and verification of XML files. high
yaml Manages YAML objects within Rmd files. high
rmarkdown Processes Markdown documents, extracts YAML objects, and calls Pandoc functions. high
servr Provides a simple HTTP server. high
rstudioapi Accesses RStudio session details, manages files and projects, and controls RStudio IDE behavior (Viewer). high
fs Offers tools for file system operations. moderate
stringr Provides functions for string manipulation. moderate (but frequent in use)
methods Displays methods for a generic function and checks available methods for a specific function. high
lubridate Converts datestamps to date-time objects (in extract_results.R). low
magrittr Introduces the %>% operator for piping. moderate
httr2 Facilitates working with HTTP requests. high
curl Transfers data with URLs, enabling file inclusion in HTTP requests. high
digest Generates file name hashes using the SHA-1 algorithm (in extract_results.R) to handle sensitive information. moderate
knitr Creates HTML and compiles dynamic documents written in R Markdown with embedded R code. high
getPass Hides user passwords (in API). high
keyring Securely stores and retrieves sensitive authentication data. high
zip Manipulates ZIP archives. high
kableExtra Formats grading tables. low
textutils Decodes HTML entities. high