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Class AssessmentTest is responsible for creating XML exam files according to the QTI 2.1 standard.


Test consists of one or more sections. Each section can have one or more questions/tasks and/or one or more sub sections.



A character representing the unique identifier of the assessment test. By default, it is generated as 'id_test_dddd', where dddd represents random digits.


A character representing the title of the test. By default, it takes the value of the identifier.


Do not use directly; the maximum number of points for the exam/test. It is calculated automatically as a sum of points of included tasks.


A character representing the identifier of the test part.


A character value, optional, determining the general paths that the candidate may have during the exam. Possible values:

  • "linear" - candidate is not allowed to return to the previous questions.

  • "nonlinear" - candidate is free to navigate. This is used by default.


A character value, optional, determining when the candidate's responses are submitted for response processing. Possible values:

  • "individual" - submit candidates' responses on an item-by-item basis. This is used by default.

  • "simultaneous" - candidates' responses are submitted all together by the end of the test.


A list containing one or more AssessmentSection objects.


A numeric value, optional, controlling the amount of time in minutes which a candidate is allowed for this part of the test.


A numeric value, optional, enabling the maximum number of attempts that a candidate is allowed to pass.


A boolean value, optional, enabling to allow candidates to leave comments in each question.


A boolean value, optional, enabling to recalculate variables and reshuffle the order of choices for each item-attempt.


A boolean value, optional, enabling to show to candidates at the end of the testing a grade according to a 5-point academic grade system as feedback. Default is FALSE.


A character value, optional, representing a short message to display with a grade in the final feedback. For multilingual usage, it hat to be a named vector with two-letter ISO language codes as names (e.g., c(en="Grade", de="Note")); during test creation, it takes the value for the language of the operating system. Default is c(en="Grade", de="Note").


A character value, optional, representing a concise message to display as the column title of the grading table in the final feedback. For multilingual usage, it hat to be a named vector with two-letter ISO language codes as names (e.g., c(en="Grade", de="Note")); during test creation, it takes the value for the language of the operating system. Default is c(en="Grade", de="Note").


An object of class QtiMetadata that holds metadata information about the test.


# This example creates test 'exam' with one section 'exam_section' which
# consists of two questions/tasks: essay and single choice types
task1 <- new("Essay", prompt = "Test task", title = "Essay",
             identifier = "q1")
task2 <- new("SingleChoice", prompt = "Test task", title = "SingleChoice",
             choices = c("A", "B", "C"), identifier = "q2")
exam_section <- new("AssessmentSection", identifier = "sec_id",
                    title = "section", assessment_item = list(task1, task2))
exam <- new("AssessmentTest",
            identifier = "id_test_1234",
            title = "Example of Exam",
            navigation_mode = "linear",
            submission_mode = "individual",
            section = list(exam_section),
            time_limit = 90,
            max_attempts = 1,
            academic_grading = TRUE,
            grade_label = "Preliminary grade")