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Class TextGapOpal is responsible for creating instances of input fields with text type of answers in question Entry type assessment tasks according to the QTI 2.1 standard for LMS Opal.



A character value representing an identifier for the answer. By default, it is generated as 'id_gap_dddd', where dddd represents random digits.


A numeric value, optional, representing the number of points for this gap. Default is 1.


A character value, optional, responsible for placing helpful text in the text input field in the content delivery engine.


A numeric value, optional, responsible for setting the size of the text input field in the content delivery engine.


A character vector containing the values considered as correct answers.


A boolean value, determining whether the evaluation of the correct answer is case sensitive. Default is FALSE.


A numeric value defining how many characters will be taken into account to tolerate spelling mistakes in the evaluation of candidate answers. Default is 0.


tgo <- new("TextGapOpal",
          response_identifier = "id_gap_1234",
          points = 2,
          placeholder = "do not put special characters",
          expected_length = 20,
          solution = "answer",
          case_sensitive = FALSE,
          tolerance = 1)