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Class MultipleChoiceTable is responsible for creating assessment tasks according to the QTI 2.1 standard with a table of answer options, where many correct answers in each row and column are possible.



A character representing the unique identifier of the assessment task. By default, it is generated as 'id_task_dddd', where dddd represents random digits.


A character representing the title of the XML file associated with the task. By default, it takes the value of the identifier.


A list of character content to form the text of the question, which can include HTML tags. For tasks of the Entry type, it must also contain at least one instance of Gap objects, such as TextGap, TextGapOpal, NumericGap, or InlineChoice.


An optional character representing a simple question text, consisting of one paragraph. This can supplement or replace content in the task. Default is "".


A numeric value, optional, representing the number of points for the entire task. Default is 1, but pay attention:

  • For tasks of the Entry type, it is calculated as the sum of the gap points by default.

  • For tasks of the DirectedPair, the default is calculated as 0.5 points per pair.

  • For tasks of the MatchTable type, it can also be calculated as the sum of points for individual answers, when provided.

  • For tasks of the MultipleChoice type, points is numeric vector and required. Each number in this vector determines the number of points that will be awarded to a candidate if they select the corresponding answer. The order of the scores must match the order of the choices. It is possible to assign negative values to incorrect answers. All answers with a positive score are considered correct.


A list containing feedback messages for candidates. Each element of the list should be an instance of either ModalFeedback, CorrectFeedback, or WrongFeedback class.


A character, optional, determining whether to show a calculator to the candidate. Possible values:

  • "simple"

  • "scientific"


A character vector, optional, containing paths to files that will be accessible to the candidate during the test/exam.


An object of class QtiMetadata that holds metadata information about the task.


A character vector specifying answer options as row names in the table or the first elements in couples in DirectedPair.


A character vector, optional, specifying identifiers for answer options defined in rows of the table or identifiers of the first elements in couples in DirectedPair.


A character vector specifying answer options as column headers in the table or the second elements in couples in DirectedPair.


A character vector, optional, specifying identifiers for answer options defined in columns of the table or identifiers of the second elements in couples in DirectedPair.


A character vector specifying couples of identifiers that combine the correct answers.


A numeric vector, optional, where each number determines the number of points awarded to a candidate if they select the corresponding answer. If not assigned, the individual values for correct answers are calculated from the task points and the number of correct options.


A boolean value, optional, determining whether to randomize the order in which the choices are initially presented to the candidate. Default is TRUE.


A boolean value, optional, determining whether to randomize the order of the choices only in rows. Default is TRUE.


A boolean value, optional, determining whether to randomize the order of the choices only in columns. Default is TRUE.


Do not use directly; values are initialized automatically. This slot contains a named numeric vector of points, where names correspond to all possible combinations of row and column identifiers.


mt <- new("MultipleChoiceTable",
          identifier = "id_task_1234",
          title = "Multiple choice table",
          content = list("<p>Match table task</p>",
                         "<i>table description</i>"),
          points = 5,
          rows = c("row1", "row2", "row3"),
          rows_identifiers = c("a", "b", "c"),
          cols = c("alfa", "beta", "gamma"),
          cols_identifiers = c("a", "b", "c"),
          answers_identifiers = c("a a", "b b", "b c"),
          shuffle = TRUE)