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This is a generic function that handles the process of uploading content to a Learning Management System (LMS). The content can be in the form of an AssessmentTest, AssessmentTestOpal, AssessmentItem object, or a file in Rmd, Markdown, zip or XML format.

This is a generic function that handles the process of uploading content to LMS Opal. The content can be in the form of an AssessmentTest, AssessmentTestOpal, AssessmentItem object, or a file in Rmd, Markdown, zip or XML format.


upload2LMS(object, test, ...)

# S4 method for class 'Opal'
  display_name = NULL,
  access = 4,
  overwrite = TRUE,
  open_in_browser = TRUE,
  as_survey = FALSE



An S4 object representing the LMS, such as an instance of the Opal class.


An AssessmentTest, AssessmentTestOpal or AssessmentItem objects, or a character string with path to Rmd/md, zip or XML files.


Additional arguments to be passed to the method, if applicable.


A length one character vector to entitle resource in OPAL; file name without extension or identifier of the object by default; optional.


An integer value, optional; it is responsible for publication status, where 1 - only those responsible for this learning resource; 2 - responsible and other authors; 3 - all registered users; 4 - registered users and guests. Default is 4.


A boolean value. If TRUE, and a file with the specified display name already exists, it will be overwritten. Default is TRUE.


A boolean value; optional; it controls whether to open a URL in default browser. Default is TRUE.


A boolean value, optional. If TRUE, the resource will be treated as a survey; if FALSE, as a test. Default is FALSE.